Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blabber on...

I met one of my 1st year juniors, SM today. OK, a 1st yr junior in Engg college parlance is someone 3 yrs junior to you, the same way a final yr senior means someone 3 yrs senior to you. When you speak of a junior, you assume yourself to be in final yr and while referring to a senior, you consider yourself to be a 1st yr student. At least this is how things were in my college.

This is roughly the 40th-60th minute excerpt of the 2 hour conversation we had over beer. "Roughly", I said.

SM: Well saying this seems odd, but I want to fall in love.
ME: With whom or what?
SM: I don't care. I see so many people falling in and out of it everyday. I umm...I just want to experience it. At least for a day, preferably with a girl and as soon as possible.
ME: You know what you are talking about?
SM: I sure do. I am talking about programming my emotions.
ME: If I hurt you now and ask you to hold your tears until next monday afternoon, would you be able to do that.
SM: No
ME: Then you can't programme your emotions and as a direct consequence of it, can't plan to fall in love either. But there is one thing I am pretty sure of.
SM: That one day I will?
ME: Precisely.
SM: What makes you so sure of one thing and so unsure of the other?
ME:'s like predicting that 2 of the 10 molecules of a given radioactive sample is going to disintegrate in next 6 months. But if you ask me things like, "which 2", or "which one would be the 1st one to go", I will have no clue.
SM: But don't you believe, everything that can be sensed, can be programmed too?
ME: I do. But our capabilities, our programming capabilities to be precise are limited, however advance they may appear to you. Mathematically speaking, we do not know how many parameters are there, and how do they interact with each other to generate one particular emotion. You may say it's just hormones controlling it. But my question is what controls the secretion of the hormones in the first place. How do our brains decide that a particular quantity of adrenalin would be optimum for a particular emergency...

...And we blabberred on, while "Nothing else matters" changed to "I wanna be a rockstar" in the background.

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