Monday, October 12, 2009

The loss of the second basket

Why do all the bollywood movies(of today) made on youth have a confused, directionless soul playing the lead, at least in the first half? No, I have not seen "Wake up Sid" yet but I've heard that it's no different. Our generation might look a little lost when compared to the earlier generations' but are they really to be blamed for this?

Everything in the next paragraph is completely figurative and a little personal(basically personal, hence figurative) so I would suggest you to skip this part if you don't know me well.

Well, last week I went to the market and bought some eggs. Since I was carrying only one basket, and I had heard it's not a good thing to have "put all your eggs in one basket", I decided to buy another one. When the handle of the first basket came off because of the astronomical no of eggs I have put inside, I coolly started looking for the second one. To my horror I realised the basket was stolen. Our parents faced such problems of having to carry all the eggs in only one(that too broken) basket so often that they never got confused when faced with such a situation. But we do, because we know that there is always another basket available: sometimes found, sometimes undiscovered, sometimes found and then lost again(like my stolen basket).

We, the youth of today are dangerously used to having options in our life, at every point of it. The loss of the second basket did not make my choice easier, even though it looks so. Repair the basket? Throw the eggs? Throw myself down from some hilltop? The more I try to convince myself to simply carry the eggs in the broken basket, the more weird options I see available.

PS: While asking for directions at life's important stages, can't we have someone similar to a traffic policeman, who can simply point in the right direction and say "signal se left and then the next right"? Just a thought.

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